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MagicMotion uses three main actions in its animations:

  • removing content
  • moving content
  • adding content

These actions can be combined to create seamless transitions. There are two variants: move later and move instantly.

move later

move later it is a default value of the variant property. The animation is splits into three phases, so removing action is first, moving is second and adding is third.

import { MagicMotion } from 'magic-motion';

const App = () => {
const [animateTo, setAnimateTo] = useState();

const buttonHandler = () => {
setAnimateTo('Hello my friends');

return (
initialContent="Hello world!!!"
variant="move later"
<button onClick={buttonHandler}>Animate</button>

export default App;

move instantly

move instantly has only two phases: the moving and removing actions occur simultaneously, followed by the adding animation.

import { MagicMotion } from 'magic-motion';

const App = () => {
const [animateTo, setAnimateTo] = useState();

const buttonHandler = () => {
setAnimateTo('Hello my friends');

return (
initialContent="Hello world!!!"
variant="move instantly"
<button onClick={buttonHandler}>Animate</button>

export default App;